“Anomalisa” is a stop-motion animation movie that tells the story of Michael Stone, a customer service expert who feels disconnected from the world around him. He meets Lisa, a woman who he believes is different from everyone else he has met before. The movie explores themes of loneliness, isolation and the search for human connection in a world that can often feel impersonal and mundane.
Ladies and Gentlemen, gather around for a tale that transcends time. A story of a man in search of something extraordinary but finds solace in the mundane. A tale of isolation, love, and demise. The story that has captured hearts all over the world. The story that is “Anomalisa.”
In this modern-day classic, we are transported to the life of a customer service expert by the name of Michael Stone, voiced by David Thewlis, who travels to Cincinnati to deliver a speech at a conference. Despite being married with a child, Michael is constantly searching for something more substantial in life. He has grown tired of his routine and feels isolated from those around him.
One day while staying at a hotel in Cincinnati, Michael meets Lisa, voiced by Jennifer Jason Leigh. She is different from anyone he has ever met before and rekindles his passion for life. Lisa’s voice stands out from everyone else’s as she sounds like an anomaly in the sea of monotony.
The plot presents an interesting concept as it is entirely told through stop-motion animation. This film was directed by Charlie Kaufman and Duke Johnson, who created an atmosphere that captures the essence of loneliness.
As we watch Stone’s journey unfold through this unique approach to filmmaking, we begin to relate to his sense of alienation and estrangement from humanity.
The film portrays society’s need for us all to fit into one mold while also questioning what makes us different or extraordinary. It provokes an internal dialogue about individualism versus conformity and how each can affect our mental states.
The cast’s performances are outstanding as Thewlis captures Michael Stone’s sense of despair perfectly while Leigh brings a subtle yet captivating performance as Lisa.
Kaufman’s screenplay is masterful as he adds depth and complexity to every moment while keeping our attention with its dry humor and satire.
The cinematography adds another layer to this film as it showcases the beauty in the mundane and brings the human essence to each character.
The soundtrack is also worth noting as it progresses the story’s mood while creating an atmosphere of melancholy and despair.
The film received critical acclaim for its storytelling, performances, cinematography, and score. It was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Animated Feature but unfortunately lost to “Inside Out.”
Despite not winning the Oscar, this film remains a fan favorite and is universally enjoyed by audiences all over the world.
Many believe that Anomalisa was a turning point in stop-motion animation filmmaking due to its artistic approach. It extends the genre’s possibilities, providing a more mature look at storytelling.
In conclusion, Anomalisa is a film that encapsulates so much about what it means to be human. With its heartbreaking concept of loneliness and society’s search for conformity rather than individualism. Its approach to storytelling sets it apart from any other animation film to date. With its unique take on animation and brilliant voice acting performances, Anomalisa is deserving of all accolades worthy of a Shakespearean play – captivating audiences with each performance and leaving everyone spellbound long after leaving the theater.
Technical Data
- Runtime : 90
- Release : 2015-12-30
- Genre : Animation, Drama, Romance, Comedy
- Cast : David Thewlis as Michael Stone (voice), Jennifer Jason Leigh as Lisa Hesselman (voice), Tom Noonan as Everyone Else (voice)
- Crew : Charlie Kaufman as Director, Charlie Kaufman as Producer, Charlie Kaufman as Theatre Play, Charlie Kaufman as Writer, Carter Burwell as Original Music Composer
- Popularity 12.405
- Budget : $8,000,000
- Revenue : $5,659,286
- Company : Starburns Industries, Harmonious Claptrap, Snoot Entertainment
- Summary : An inspirational speaker becomes reinvigorated after meeting a lively woman who shakes up his mundane existence.
- Tagline : Welcome to the Kaufman surreal-neorealism tale in a dull world of sameness.