Zombie Lake 1981 Full Movie English Subtitles

“Zombie Lake 1981” is a French horror film that is shallow and unfulfilling, like a poorly cooked meal. The plot revolves around a group of women who are terrorized by undead soldiers who rise from a murky lake. The zombies are slow and clumsy, like toddlers taking their first steps. The special effects are cheap and cheesy, like a dollar store Halloween decoration. The acting is wooden and unconvincing, like amateur theater performers. Overall, “Zombie Lake 1981” is not worth your time or energy.

Zombie Lake 1981 Image


As I sat down with my popcorn and soda, ready to embark on the journey of “Zombie Lake,” I couldn’t quite anticipate what was in store. A movie about zombies in a lake? Now that’s something that could either be incredibly terrifying or downright ridiculous. But, being the adventurer that I am, I decided to give it a try.

The storyline of “Zombie Lake” is quite simple – a small village is plagued by the undead rising from the lake. The villagers must band together to fight off the zombie horde and uncover the truth behind their resurrection.

Now, if you’re anything like me, you may be thinking, “where in tarnation did they come up with this idea?” Well, as it turns out, “Zombie Lake” was actually directed by Jean Rollin – a French filmmaker known for his horror films that often featured unusual plotlines and offbeat characters.

Despite its odd premise, “Zombie Lake” boasts an impressive cast of relatively unknown actors who deliver some surprisingly solid performances. Some notable names include Howard Vernon and Antonio Mayans – both of whom have appeared in other cult horror films.

As I settled in to watch the film unfold before my eyes, I couldn’t help but notice some truly iconic scenes. One featuring a group of women skinny dipping in the lake before being attacked by zombies was particularly memorable.

But what really stood out about “Zombie Lake” was its cinematography. The film was shot on location in France which allowed for stunning scenery shots that added texture to an otherwise basic plotline.

Of course, no great movie is complete without an equally impressive soundtrack. And while “Zombie Lake” may not be considered great by modern standards, its eerie and haunting score certainly adds to the overall creepy atmosphere.

Now, despite its many positive qualities (yes they do exist), “Zombie Lake” has faced its fair share of scrutiny over the years. Some critics have even gone so far as to call it one of the worst films ever made.

But, as is often the case with cult classics, “Zombie Lake” has managed to gain quite a bit of popularity over time. It’s become a favorite among horror enthusiasts who appreciate its unique take on the zombie genre.

And while it may not be for everyone, there’s something to be said about a movie that manages to stand out amidst a sea of forgettable horror films.

All in all, I can safely say that my journey into “Zombie Lake” was an interesting one. It certainly wasn’t what I expected, but that’s part of what makes it such a fascinating piece of cinema history. So if you’re ever feeling brave enough to give it a try, just remember – sometimes the most unconventional movies can be the most unexpectedly enjoyable ones.

Technical Data

Zombie Lake 1981 Full Movie English Subtitles

  • Runtime : 87
  • Release : 1981-05-13
  • Genre : Horror
  • Cast : Howard Vernon as The Mayor, Pierre-Marie Escourrou as German Soldier, Anouchka as Helena, Nadine Pascal as Helena’s Mother, Antonio Mayans as Morane
  • Crew : Jesús Franco as Writer, Daniel White as Producer, Daniel White as Original Music Composer, María Luisa Soriano as Editor, Jean Rollin as Director
  • Popularity 15.852
  • Budget : 0
  • Revenue : 0
  • Company : Eurociné, J.E. Films (Julian Esteban Films)
  • Summary : In a small village, somewhere in France, German soldiers, killed and thrown into the lake by the Resistance during WWII, come back.
  • Tagline : God help us if they rise again!


